mercredi 17 février 2016

Entre Les Lignes: Between The Lines

Isabelle Bigot peint. Susanna Crossman écrit. Un jour, lors d’une rencontre entre stylo et pinceau, between pen and brush, elles se sont posées la question: what will we find between the lines, entre les mots, dans l’espace serré d’un souffle, hors cadre, dans le gribouillage, la marge ? Comment naviguer dans ces moments faits de minutes rebelles qui ne respectent plus le temps prescrits par l’horloge ? Dans un basculement entre la peinture et le texte, lors d’allers et retours synesthésiques, elles ont trouvé le manque, les secrets, le destin, l’amour, la folie et bien d’autres choses…

Collaborative project with Isabelle Bigot, painter. 

Visual Verse: Stay Steady

I published a piece on Visual Verse this month, a flash fiction crime story, Stay Steady. It's inspired by an infamous Grant Wood painting. You can read it here

mercredi 13 janvier 2016

Do Men Love More Than Women? Blue Fifth Review

My short story, Do Men Love More Than Women? was published in Blue Fifth Review this month. You can read it here. Really happy to have contributed to the collaboration issue of this journal, featuring work by artists and writers. My personal favorite is the text by Tina Barry.

No Surrender: East End drifting, reading and watching...

       My holiday reading and watching was wide-spread, flitting between high-brow and  entertainment. All necessary. All good. I've been reading (in no particular order) Witch Hunt, a thriller by Ian Rankin, The Cuckoo's Call by Robert Galbraith and In Balance by Adam Phillips. All three are worth delving into for entirely different reasons. I also started to read The Prince by Machaevelli after watching this documentary
          Screen-wise, I got all addicted to the Imagine BBC series of documentaries, including this brilliant film on artist's Gilbert and George. They live in a street that I know ever so well. My great-uncle in-law frequented them and Stanley lived in an identical East End flat ( albeit less renovated) just around the corner from the artists. Whatever time of day we arrived at Stanley's bachelor three-storey apartment ( a dusty residence topped by an abandoned tailor's workshop), he instantly produced a plate of food - normally a round of smoked salmon sandwiches - from the drawer of a wooden cabinet. We ate at a huge polished table, next to a stack of three or four TV's, surrounded by sofas and the black and white wedding photos of his eleven siblings.
         Stanley was a militant urban rambler; in a psycho-geographic fashion he wandered around country and town and read the East End like the palm of his hand. The Gilbert and George documentary is called No Surrender. Stanley would have appreciated those words, it's good advice for 2016!